Nonprofit Solutions & Development

Our Portfolio of Nonprofit Consulting Services

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Strategic Partnerships Advisory & Consulting

Nonprofit organizations neglect to focus continued effort on building a synergistic ecosystem of support and strategic partnerships around their organization and initiatives, which is imperative to be sustainable. To successfully develop an ecosystem of support around your organization-specific skills sets are required in addition to resources and capacity. We can do the time-consuming groundwork critical for developing your strategies and pipelines. Contact us today to discuss your goals or concerns.


Fundraising Advisory & Consulting

Win more grants, but don’t chase funding opportunities not aligned with your organization’s core mission. It’s tempting to deploy staff time and resources toward the latest funding trends. However, nonprofit organizations must be strategic in their thinking and approach to ensure a proposal or grant submission doesn’t turn into an abyss of time and resources. Fortified Strategies can help you grow your funding portfolio without compromising your brand, the core mission of your cause, and wasting precious time and resources on funding opportunities that result in a negative return on investment.

Contact us today. We are happy to have a conversation to see if we can help you. 


Prospect Generation

Fortified Strategies can take the pressure off by generating new prospective funders aligned to your cause. It takes time most nonprofits don’t have to develop a pipeline of prospects that will convert into donors. We generate high value, high probability prospects, not high volume, low-conversion probability lists of names. Contact us today for a preliminary discovery discussion.


Donor Prospect Qualification/Meeting Setting

Stop living with the frustration of not getting meetings and responses from potential donors. We create donor relationships for our customers, where none previously existed. Let’s talk through your current initiatives and challenges. Contact us today.


IT/Technology Solutions

No industry is more prone to losing time and money than nonprofits when it comes to investing in IT and technology. With Fortified Strategies, you gain a trusted advisor. We have 20 years of experience working in the nonprofit sector and act as an extension of your team, guiding you with recommendations tailored specifically to your goals. We are a supplier-neutral IT Solution Provider who can shop across 180 IT suppliers to find you the best investment possible. Contact us today to schedule a preliminary discovery discussion.